Monday, November 18, 2019

Cultural Geography Ethnic,, Mosaic of Languages or Geolingustics, Assignment

Cultural Geography Ethnic,, Mosaic of Languages or Geolingustics, Political Geography - Assignment Example in the American culture, Cinco de Mayo as a holiday in America, and even African American Christian Churches that follow African traditions like singing and dancing. 2) Is the USA a plural society or a melting pot? Take a position and defend your position. The USA can be considered both a plural society and a melting pot. Since Americans have freedom to be separate, like the Amish, White Supremacist groups, or certain Islamic groups, the USA is a plural society. However main streams Americans are a melting pot. Irish, African American, Latino, Polish, German, and the other diverse cultures work, play, love, and intermix daily in America. All of the cultures keep a part of their heritage, but melt with the other cultures as well. 3) Compare and contrast the Amish of Pennsylvania and the Cajuns of Louisiana. How did these groups end up where they are and what is unique about them? Amish Mennonites immigrated to Pennsylvania in the 18th century due to religious wars, poverty, and religious persecution in Europe. The Amish shun technology and keep to themselves. Cajuns are descendants of Acadian exiles, French-speaking settlers from parts of what is now Canada. The Cajuns speak an evolved French, despite being Americans. 4) Contrast the rimland and heartland political theories of geopolitics. Rimland is the land surrounding a country, like the states on the border of America. Heartland is the land inside a country. The political theory is the rimland holds the key to the heartland’s defense. If the rimland falls, then the heartland is in danger. However some feel the heartland is more important due to its impenetrability. The heartland can supply the rimland with support in any war or fight. Although there is no doubt that the rimland trade advantages are vital to a country. 5) Describe how formal and functional regions can be applied to political geography. Give your own examples. Formal regions are regions with defining features from border to

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