Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reasons For The French Revolution - 1339 Words

There were many causes that led to the French Revolution. Class, money, and philosophes were three major factors that contributed to the French Revolution. The most important cause was money. These factors resulted in Louis The Sixteenth and Marie Antoinette being executed, and the reign of Napoleon to begin. Class conflicts are a huge component of the French Revolution. The French Revolution began as a result of the lack of the people’s happiness over how they were told to live their lives. There were three estates. The first estate being the clergy, the second estate being the nobility, and the third estate being the bourgeoisie (commoners). The first and second estate consisted of very few people, but was given most of the money,†¦show more content†¦As the first and second estate voted that the bourgeoisie should pay all the taxes, the bourgeoisies was outvoted and was forced to keep paying all of the taxes. The nobility and clergy were very greedy, especially the clergy. Their morals were supposed to be more focused on the word of god, instead of being focused on the material aspects of life on Earth. The clergy was supposed to be kind and helpful, instead of selfish. Since the clergy was greedy, it lead France to be in even more debt and have more conflicts. There we re many privileges only given to the upper classes, which made it unfair. At the beginning of the French Revolution, the bourgeoisie became very fed up with the inequalities within the classes. To deal with the inequalities, the estates decided to gather in the tennis courts and take an oath called the Tennis court Oath. The Tennis court Oath stated that they would not leave until a new constitution was created. In the end, a new constitution was created and a new form of government was put into place. The new government was called the national assembly. The national assembly lasted from 1789-1799 but was then abolished as it upset many people in France because the priorities of the National Assemblies decisions did not meet the people’s needs. Money was also a major factor to the French Revolution. Once Louis The Sixteenth and Marie Antoinette became absolute monarchs in 1774, they lavishly spent money. The couple

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